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Phone Numbers

988-direct mental health emergencies

211-Community assistance


Support Groups

â–ºPflag parent and youth support groups-

â–ºTransparent USA (parent support)- ,

â–ºCharis Books Trans and Friend-

â–ºGathered and Grounded Parent Support-

â–ºAtlanta LGBTQ Youth-

â–ºGender Spectrum Online Groups-

â–ºAthens Queer Collective Online Trans Support-

â–ºZebra Youth Coalition (FL)- 

â–ºThe Frederick Center (MD)-


Inclusive Sex Ed

â–ºSpark Ed: sex ed resources, and resources to become a facilitator-

â–ºIncluded, Inclusive Health Care by Planned Parenthood-

â–ºSex Etc.: Sex Ed info center for LGBTQ youth-

â–ºScarleTeen: Sex Ed for the real world- ,

â–ºWith Pleasure: A View of Whole Sexual Anatomy for Every Body


Transitions In Schools

â–ºGender Support and Gender Transition Plans (Schools in Transition, Appendix D, p. 51)

â–ºThe Student Gender Support Plan can be used to address various aspects of a transgender or genderexpansive student’s experiences at school. It is designed to ensure that the school, student and parents (when appropriate) are all on the same page and have shared expectations about how the specific, gender-based needs of the student will be met.


â–ºThe Student Gender Transition Plan focuses on the process a student will use to undergo a gender transition at school. It seeks to identify the various steps that will be taken as the student explicitly declares a shift in the manner in which they wish others to understand and recognize their gender.



GLSEN National School Climate Survey



Classroom Representation





GLSEN Educator Resources



Developing Inclusive Curriculum



Coming Soon


Coming Soon

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